Lifetime Financial Growth Benefits

  • Insurance Agencies
815 Grandview Avenue
Suite # 200
Columbus, OH 43215-1254
(614) 441-9614
(800) 589-7326
(614) 488-5144 (fax)
8:00AM - 5:00PM M-F
  • About

    Every business needs someone to help employees and employers manage and implement their benefits package. No matter what type of business, LFG Benefits can help run your company's insurance benefits cost effectively and efficiently. We strive to help business owners develop a solid foundation and business strategy so they can be successful. We will work to improve productivity, company culture, and employee relations. Find out how we can help you and your business today!

  • Whom to Contact

    • Graham Campbell
      Chief Operating Officer
      Phone: (614) 500-4416
      Fax: (614) 488-5144
    • Heather Campbell
      Phone: (614) 441-9618
      Fax: (614) 488-5144
    • Wesley Campbell III
      Vice President
      Phone: (614) 441-9611
      Fax: (614) 488-5144
    • Mr. Brett Cavallaro
      VP if Business Development
      815 Grandview Avenue
      Suite 200
      Columbus, OH 43215
      Phone: (614) 500-4416
    • Clark Swisher
      VP of Business Development
      815 Grandview Avenue
      Suite 200
      Columbus, OH 43215
      Phone: (614) 610-4458
  • Directions

    Conveniently located near the corner of Riverside Drive and Grandview Avenue